Home > Linux, VMware > Configure VMware Time Sync from the Console

Configure VMware Time Sync from the Console

October 14th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

VMware Tools provides the VMware Toolbox application to configure the time sync option for the guest operating system. This works great with Windows guests or Linux guests using the X11 GUI. However all my Linux guests run without the X11 GUI. If you know the current setting of the time synchronization option you can use one of the following commands.

To turn time sync on
vmware-guestd --cmd "vmx.set_option synctime 0 1"

To turn time sync off
vmware-guestd --cmd "vmx.set_option synctime 1 0"

You can also do this from the Windows command prompt.

To turn time sync on
vmwareservice --cmd "vmx.set_option synctime 0 1"

To turn time sync off
vmwareservice --cmd "vmx.set_option synctime 1 0"

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